"Shishirendu Jha is an extraordinary Hypnotherapist and has helped me a great deal in my journey of healing through his powerful words and work. I was able to let 20 years of stored emotions and limiting beliefs that were literally causing me physical symptoms. I was in all sorts before the session, physical discomfort, and mental
After the session, I felt amazing, my body freed up so much I was able to move 50-100% better. I let go off the negative emotions that were holding me back and moved forward towards starting my business.
What makes Shishirendu an outstanding Hypnotherapist is his caring nature and a huge willingness to serve humanity. An extremely humble person willing to share his gift to those in need. In the session, it was amazing how he guided me to discover my eternal self, just to
allow my body to heal the trauma of the past.
I highly recommend Shishirendu as a highly professional hypnotherapist, someone that can assist you on own healing journey. Finally thank you Shishirendu for your work with me. It was an amazing Journey."
Geoff Strudwick - Life coach and Entrepreneur